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February 2007 - We got one day of really nice weather (68 and no wind.) I took full advantage by going kayaking. It was great!! We got a few other days in the 60s but it was windy. I still enjoyed the trails at Lake Arcadia on those windy days - it's my happy place. Eric went to Horseshoe Canyon Ranch on a 3-day climbing trip with his buddies - Luc, Cassy, & Chance. Again, no pictures - sorry! Our good friend Martin Beck got married on Valentine's Day and was kind enough to share some pictures with us. Mom came to town one day with a big group of high school students. We were lucky enough to have lunch together that day. I also have a shot of a lovely sunrise I saw on the way to work one morning. January 2006 - What can I say about January? Snow, ice, cold, icky! We had a visit from Rose & Dallas - Eric's Mom youngest brother. I also got to spend the day with my Mom & Dad in Tulsa. I don't know what is wrong with me, I didn't take a single picture of either visit. I have a couple pictures of the snow and that's it for January. I also have some pictures that we received in Christmas cards. December 2006 - I started the month by attending a Women's Weekend sponsored by my church. It was great as both a learning experience and for the time I spent with friends. I have one shot of our Christmas party we had at work. There are also pictures of the Christmas dinner we had with Eric's co-workers and a couple of pictures of me with some of our friends. On the 22nd my sister came up so that we could attend a concert together. We had a good time being together. The crowd was every bit as entertaining to watch as the show that night at the Jason Boland concert. We spent Christmas apart this year: me in Westville, Eric in Montana. We played it safe for New Year's Eve and had an early dinner with friends so we would not be out driving late at night. 2006 was a great year and we look forward to an even better 2007. November 2006 - One of my book clubs (Novel Women) met at my house early this month. It was a small meeting but very enjoyable. The following weekend I was one of the volunteers at church who put on a "Fall Family Fun Day" which was great for all concerned. We also took a quick trip to Stillwater for a talk by famous climbers Tommy Caldwell and Beth Rodden, with our own famous climbers - Eric & Luc. The following week I got to see my Mom (sorry, no picture) and our friend Catherine Nixon. Each was in town on business and took time out to visit. My sister came up on the 18th for a great Hootie & the Blowfish concert. We ended the month with a great Thanksgiving at Westville. We got snow on the last day of November. I have a picture of that and of my cats enjoying the Christmas decorations. October 2006 - One big event for the month was gaining a brother. Eric's youngest brother Dallas came to live with us for three weeks in October. We had a great time catching up with him. The most photo-worthy event was a lunch cookout at Arcadia. Another big event was attending the wonderful Momentum conference at our church. Also, my Dad (Leon Morton) turned 56 in early October and got a great surprise gift - a shiny red golf cart that he can use at work. I couldn't be there but I asked Mom to take enough pictures so that I'd feel I had been a part of it. Now you can be there too. My Mom (Marcella Morton) served as a guest speaker on a panel with Jason White and other really neat people. I also have some rock climbing pictures of Eric, thanks to his climbing buddy Luc. I finished the month with a pumpkin carving contest at work. September 2006 - I attended a concert early in the month. Later that week we went to a shrimp boil for all the geo-heads (that's Shawnna-speak for geologists and geophysicists.) The next day I got to participate in the NRA's Women on Target fun shoot. And it was fun. It's amazing how many volunteers give their time to do that event year after year. Edgar Cruz and Stephanie Jackson played at an after church gathering one very nice Sunday evening. We had an adventurous camping trip with the Gruenthers, attended a 50th birthday party for our friend Sabrena, and saw some nice sunrises & clouds. I also have some cool pictures taken by Eric's brothers using a motion-activated wildlife camera at their hunting area. These are great! I took a great trip to St. Louis with my Mom (Marcella Morton) and my sister (Desirae Morton) for the Joyce Meyer Women's Conference. We had a great time. The month ended with a company cookout with my co-workers. August 2006 - We started the month by spending a week with the rest of the Casazza family in Montana. What a great chance to cool off from the relentless heat! Speaking of heat, we attended a spectacular cookout at friends Ron & Robin's house on the 12th. That man can put on a feed! My sister Desirae got a new little dog so I have a few pictures that were sent to me from home. One Wednesday night after work I attended a great event, a Kayak Koncert on Lake Hefner. On the 26th we attended a Brooks & Dunn concert with our good friends the Callantines. On the 30th my mom and her friends came to town and I got to spend a little time with them. On the 31st our church (Church of the Harvest) put on a really fun event - Comic's Night Out. Eric and I brought 10 friends, including my mom and her gang, and we all had a great time. I also have a couple pictures of an amazing sunset on one day, and it's equally amazing sunrise the next. I felt blessed just to have seen them. July 2006 - We started the month with a trip home to Westville and out to Guthrie for a double 4th of July celebration. Later in the month I went on a very nice kayak trip in the Stinchcomb wildlife refuge in OKC. On the 15th, K and I attended a Yard Dawgs arena football game and a great Warren Barfield concert. July is a big month at Church of the Harvest because of the youth camps we put on. One of the main areas I serve is in Youth Pastor Hospitality. July was even more eventful this year because our pastors celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. I also have pictures of a locust on our porch and some scenes from my 'happy place' (Lake Arcadia.) June 2006 - June got off to a great start for us as we spent 4 days in sunny California. We can thank our good friends Luc & Cassy for that wonderful trip, since we went there to attend their wedding on June 10th. The following weekend I got to participate in the Dragon Boat races at the OKC Riverfest. I was on the Chesapeake team and we came in a very close second to our arch rival Dell. Here's a link to the Daily Oklahoman's article about the race. Here is a direct quote from that article, "They need some training. There is no rhythm or anything" Ouch! Such a comment would hurt worse if it wasn't so true. Also I've included two pictures from a kayaking trip on Arcadia. May 2006 - We had a great month in May. It was a nice mix of relaxation and activity, staying home and travel. I got started on a new hobby in early May - geocaching - with my new friend Kim Shaw. Eric and I spent one very calm weekend at home and enjoyed a few hours out at Lake Arcadia. On the 19th we headed to Destin, Florida for a really great weekend. We went to attend the wedding of Amy Jones and Julio Gomez but ended up having a great vacation in the process. On the 26th I got to participate in a great practical joke at work. We used a little aluminum foil to decorate a coworker's office. We finished the month with a Memorial Day pool party at our friend Todd Lannert's. It was a great day to swim and he fed us great food. Also I have a picture of a black bear that surprisingly showed up in my cousin's back yard. April 2006 - Wow - what a busy month! April 1st I attended the 5K Wish Lemons race in Tulsa, meeting my mom, sister, and friends. The next night our church held a live worship album recording which was awesome. On Thursday the 6th we got to attend the Chef's Feast again this year, which is always a great event. April 9th was our 12th anniversary and the date we participated in the Redbud Classic with Eric's office. On Easter weekend Eric went climbing at one of his favorite places - Horseshoe Canyon Ranch near Jasper, AR with his buddy Luc. I went to Westville to be with my family. On the 18th we attended a crawfish boil. There aren't enough of those in OKC! I love my crawfish. The following Saturday we had a nice picnic at my "happy place" (aka Lake Arcadia) with our friend K. That night and the next day the great Christian songwriter and performer Reuben Morgan came to Church of the Harvest to lead worship for 4 of our services. Tuesday the 25th we got to hear more amazing music. We attended a concert in Norman by Josh Bates, Nicole Nordeman, and Casting Crowns. On Thursday the 27th I got to attend the Festival of the Arts, thanks to AIS giving us an extra- long lunch hour for that purpose. Later that afternoon I left for New Orleans where I had a great weekend at Jazz Fest with friends - especially Amy Jones who was the bachelorette of honor. March 2006 - Early in the month I got to spend a couple evenings after work at Lake Arcadia. It was amazingly warm and nice out there. The 11th was a busy day for me. Eric was climbing that day but I spent the day running all around. I met my Mom, my sister Desirae, and our friend Jon Gregory at a 5K race in Tulsa. We all ran the race and hung out for awhile afterward and had a great time. I went home in time to do some yard work and stuff, then headed to Texas. We had really great weekend at the home of our friends Luc & Cassy in Wichita Falls. It was Cassy's birthday on Sunday and we helped her celebrate by sitting by her pool. We got a very brief snow one morning, I've included a few pictures I took before work. I saw 4 wrecks that morning, one happened while I watched. All that fuss and then the stuff was totally melted by noon. On the last weekend of the month I attended an event called Women in the Outdoors. It was a fully packed day of classes in outdoor activities and socializing with other ladies who like to do these kinds of things. I like any event where I get to shoot guns and I have now learned that I also enjoy archery. It was a good day. On Monday the 27th we attended a dinner with a bunch of my newcomer friends. We were celebrating a visit from our good friend Cindy Quinn. I have also included a couple of pictures of nice flowers from the yard. February 2006 - I went home the first weekend of February because my Gran had had some surgery done. I wanted to see her and my family so I made a quick trip one weekend. The weekend of the 11th I hit the trifecta of great music - Friday night was a Chris Tomlin & Matt Redman tour, Saturday night was Big Daddy Weave, and Sunday was Church of the Harvest - which is always like a great concert every weekend. It was great. The weekend of the 18th we were snowed in - I guess we had to have a few days of winter weather this year. However, the icy roads could not hold back our friends Luc & Cassy who came up for a visit to share their new puppy Jess with us. On the last weekend of the month I got to participate in a very neat deal through Church of the Harvest. We did a spa day at City Rescue, the city homeless shelter. It was really good. January 2006 - The new year got off to a rough start for us. Priss, the youngest of our three cats died suddenly on the morning of January 2nd. We enjoyed her company for 10 years and I like to think we gave her a good home. I have made a page dedicated to my memories of her. We got a brief showing of snow early in the month. On the 14th I went with friends to a Bon Jovi concert and had a very nice time. On the 18th we accompanied the Callantines to a Hornets game. It was a close game and the Hornets won. The last weekend of January we went with our friend K to a PBR Bull Riding event. The following day was just amazingly warm and calm. Eric went climbing and I went out on the lake. December 2005 - We had a busy December, as everyone does. We attended lots of Christmas parties and got to see a lot of good friends. Both of my book clubs had very nice Christmas meetings, we attended a cell group party at Pastor Spike's, the large GHK Christmas party, the Godsey's Christmas party, and the GHK employee party. We also attended a graduation party for our friend Cameron Hogan and had dinner at the Callantine's house in early December. I've included a couple shots of our Christmas decorations as well. For grins there's also a shot of my co-worker Noel's cube after it got trashed with silly string. We spent Christmas in Westville with my family. New Year's Eve weekend we spent at Medicine Park, OK in some cabins with our friends the Callantines. Medicine Park is just outside of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge where Eric does most of his rock climbing. We got amazingly beautiful weather, hiked all weekend, and saw pretty much every animal except a zebra. I got a new car at the end of the month. It's a Hyundai Santa Fe in "blaze your eyeballs" red. My old Rodeo was a wonderful car, but this new one is a very nice ride. November 2005 - I started the month with a lot of fun. I went to Houston to visit friends, see a Cowboy Mouth concert, and to see the new Lakewood Church building. The trip was even better than I had hoped because I got to see so many wonderful friends that I hadn't seen in years. What a blessing the way the whole thing worked out! Don't tell my cats, but I've put a picture of a neighbor cat on my site. We like him very much. Eric took another very fun trip to Horseshoe Canyon Ranch in Arkansas. This time it was a climbers only trip and they climbed like fiends. While Eric was away my friend Dorinda came to visit me and I was so happy that she did. Later in the month Eric got his 2nd Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do - hurray for Eric!! We spent Thanksgiving in Westville, OK with my family this year. We got unusually warm weather and had a great visit. October 2005 - Early in the month we took a very nice trip to Horseshoe Canyon Ranch near Jasper, AR. We went with our good friends Luc & Cassy. The three of them did a lot of rock climbing while I hiked around and made use of the tree swing that overlooks the ranch. It was a great weekend. We also attended Greek Fest two times, the second time with the Callantines. At the end of the month our office had a pumpkin carving contest. September 2005 - We began the month with a Labor Day party at Todd Lannert's house. Eric and I also saw Steve Franklin perform at the Full Circle book store. I also hosted Cindy Quinn's last Novel Women meeting at my house. Our friends the Fairfields came to OKC during the Houston hurricane evacuation. They stayed with our friend Todd Lannert and, clever guy that he is, he decided to make a party out of it. I've added a few pictures from some of my many kayak trips on Lake Arcadia this past summer. September was a month of great music for me. I got to see my very favorite band, Hootie & the Blowfish one weekend, and two of my other favorites: Robert Earl Keen and Charlie Robison the following weekend. They were both in my college town of Fayetteville, AR. It was great! August 2005 - I got to spend an afternoon with my sister Desirae and friends. One Saturday we took a nice trip to the Wichitas with Luc & Cassy. Another Saturday I attended Cindy Quinn's going away party. Later that day I worked the Kayak pond at the Oklahoma Outdoor Expo. At the end of the month I went with Eric to an event his company does each year - the GHK Cheyenne Days. July 2005 - I didn't take many pictures during the month of July. I have a picture of the last Novel Women book club meeting for Gala Damato before she moved away. I also have a picture of us hanging out during a visit from the Callantines, who were in from Venezuela at the time. June 2005 - Another busy month, Eric went to Horseshoe Canyon Ranch in Arkansas with his climbing friend Luc. I went along but only as far as my parent's house, were I spent a nice weekend. The following weekend we attended Acousticadia - a new music festival on Lake Arcadia near our house. The weekend after that we attended Chef's Fest. That was a very nice event where the best restaurants in the area gave out the best of what they make until you couldn't eat any more. I also attended a party given by OKC Outdoor Network friend Kirby Junge. At the end of the month we got to spend a week in Montana visiting Eric's family. We got better weather than we could expect at this time of year and got to see Dan & Rose's new home for the first time. It is beautiful. May 2005 - We were very busy in May - primarily with a trip to Italy. Eric got to go for a week of training so we went a week early for a vacation. It was a really nice trip. Eric also attended a Tae Kwan Do tournament where he got first place in sparring for his age group. (Yea Eric!) April 2005 - Our April activities included a much-welcomed Crawfish Boil. Eric and I attended the graduation of our good friend Luc. He just became a fighter pilot in the Air Force. I went home to Westville for a weekend of family time on the 16th. The following weekend was a full one - I attended Jazz Fest in New Orleans with friends Amy Jones & Julio Gomez. Then had wild gang of guests for the weekend waiting on me when I came home. Mom had brought my sister Desi and her running pals up for the OKC Memorial Race. I also attended a fun luncheon with my Newcomer friends. We had a very nice evening with Todd Lannert and his date Brandie when they came over for dinner. March 2005 - We attended a Youth America campout which was a lot of fun. I can say that now that I've had time to forget how cold it was trying to sleep that night! I went to Tulsa one very nice day to watch Mom run a race. I took my kayak and went out on the Arkansas river afterward. It was a good day. Later that month my Mom and sister went to Vegas and had a great time. We had a nice visit from our friend Yen for dinner one night. I have some pictures of a beautiful Iris that bloomed in our back flower bed. It was amazing, the pictures don't do it justice. I also have a picture of a very happy cat. February 2005 - For me, February was a month of work. We had an early March deadline on a big project at work so I put in some inhumane hours for most of February. I also had the flu, which was no fun at all but did help me lose a little weight. Eric did a lot of climbing so for him it was a very successful month. We did sneak in one social engagement during the month. We attended the wedding of one of Eric's co-workers on the 19th. January 2005 - In January I succeeded in my goal of simplifying my life. I don't think I took a single picture in the month of January and in a way it was liberating. December 2004 - We started December with a Third Day concert at the Ford Center in Oklahoma City. It was a really good show and Eric was a trooper to hang in there with me (he is not the fan of live music that I am.) In early December I started a new initiative in my life. I am making a concerted effort to do less - I'm excusing myself from committees, boards, and organizations, saying no to more invitations, and skipping more social activities. I know, this sounds nothing like the Shawnna you know. However, I had been having so little free time in the past few months that my stress level was constantly near my limit. It will make my web site much less interesting, but my life will be more enjoyable so I feel it averages out. We enjoyed a nice time at my parents' house for Christmas. We decided not to make the trip to Montana for either holiday this year, we prefer to save our trips up there for the warmer months. I have it on good authority that they had a great time at the Casazza Christmas this year, especially with the live Nativity scene they put on with all the grandkids. November 2004 - The month started in the best way ever - W. was re-elected for another term. Yea! I won't go into the details of my political views but I can tell you I had been praying for this for months. I have one shot I took while at the Republican Women's Club watch party of friends Angie & Gaylene. Another nice thing in November was my attendance at the Women of Faith conference which came to town on the weekend of the 6th. My friend Detra Hall accompanied me and we had a nice time. On the 9th I hosted my evening book club, Novel Women. I had a really great time and I think everyone else enjoyed themselves too. They are a great group of ladies. On the weekend of the 13th Eric and I rented a cabin at Osage Hills State Park, just west of Bartlesville. On Saturday night a few of our old friends from B'ville came out to visit us. It was beautiful out there and we really enjoyed it. We had a great time at my parent's house in Westville at Thanksgiving. We got to see lots of family and old friends so that was an extra treat. October 2004 - I start the month with a shot of the cats, a picture from a recent visit from Mom, and a lunch outing with my Newcomer friends. The first weekend of the month Eric went on a big rock climbing / camping weekend at Quartz Mountain with his friend Luc. I went to Tahlequah for a bull riding / blues concert event with my sister Desirae. Saturday morning I had a brief visit home to celebrate my Dad's birthday (which is really October 3rd, but we celebrated early.) Then I spent Saturday in Tulsa with my Mom & Sister. The second weekend Eric went on another climbing trip - but he never takes any pictures for me to share! I stayed home and rested as I felt I was getting sick. On the 16th we spent a fun day at the Hefner's Three Wild Turkey's ranch - Eric worked on the roof while I relaxed and enjoyed myself. On Oct 23 our friends Andrew & Catherine Nixon had an exciting event. Their first child, daughter Natalie Marie Nixon was born. Here's a picture of the happy family at the hospital. The third weekend of October we had visitors, and great ones at that. Our great friends Stacie Gibbins and Nathan Blythe spent the weekend with us, including a night in Tulsa for their awesome Oktoberfest. We also had a pumpkin carving contest at my office, and I went out with my new friend Rebecca to hear Carrie Webber and Charlie Rayl at Othello's in Norman. Fun stuff! September 2004 - For Labor Day weekend we went to Westville to visit my family. On the 4th I spent the day in Fayetteville shopping with my Mom & sister Desirae. Then Mom, Dad, Eric, and I went to a Razorback game that evening. It was the Cherokee Holiday that weekend and I didn't make it to Tahlequah, I'm sad about that now, but really we had a great time at home. We got to go to a cookout at Larry & Glenda's, and Dad took me out back and let me shoot some of his guns. I turned out to be good with a 30-06, it was fun! My friend Diane Dunivan came into town so a bunch of us gathered for a lunch date to see her. On Tuesday the 7th I had book club. I wish I would have taken a picture of those fun ladies to share here. The next night was the Oklahoma City Outdoor Network annual picnic, which was fun. That Friday night was the annual Shrimp Boil put on by the Oklahoma Geophysical Society and many of the oil businesses in town. Eric attended the Promise Keepers convention that Friday and Saturday, it's a Christian Men's conference. That same Saturday I attended Women on Target, an all-day shooting event. It is the largest women's instructional shooting event in the entire United States. It was a neat experience and a lot of fun. That same night Eric and I drove over to American Horse Lake to participate in a campout the Oklahoma City Outdoor Network had there. They always plan it to be at the new moon and there are no electric lights for 10 miles so the stars are so bright it's unreal. I got to attend the Austin City Limits music festival in mid-September with my good friends PJ, Heather, and Nathan. I also made some new friends which were a lot of fun. Eric spent that weekend rock climbing in Austin with his friend Luc and having a great time. He says he was too busy having fun to take any pictures. I have a few other pictures of recent events including: Darlene Zschech weekend at church, a Jason Boland concert, a visit to the Farmer's Market, dinner with Jeff Lloyd, and a visit to the Orgren's lovely home. One last event before the month is over: Eric testing for his 1st Degree black belt in Tae Kwan Do. He did excellent at the test and passed with flying colors - of course! August 2004 - Eric was still in Montana the first week of August, but I had a visit that week from our good friend Suzanne Williams. On the 12th the University of Arkansas Alumni association gave a party especially for the younger members, and they even let me attend! We've been having amazing weather this August, so nice that I was willing to go rock climbing with Eric. On the 14th I went with him to the Wichitas to meet his new climbing friends and spend a day in the sun. On the 19th I had an unexpected trip home for a sad reason, my Mom's father passed away on the 16th. It was especially sad because the 20th is Mom's birthday so she didn't get a very fun birthday this year. On the 21st Mom went to a race to be with her friends and ran into a reporter. He found Mom so interesting that he wrote a whole article about her. Friday the 20th I went to a happy hour with my co-workers and later that evening Eric went with me to see Robert Earl Keen. That was a lot of fun, he was in fine form. We were two people back from the stage and I forgot my camera, darn it. On the following Friday we saw Mercy Me at the ballpark, followed by a Redhawks game. The next night Eric was off rock climbing so I headed to Stillwater to see Charlie Robison. That concert turned out to be an eventful one for me! July 2004 - We started the month very busy by celebrating Independence Day at least three times. The first was a party at work, the second was a weekend at my parents' house, and the third was a party at Charles Hefner's ranch. I also have a bit of an odd addition to the site, a picture of a worm in a cocoon. I attended a party at Suzanne Williams' house and a concert at the Blue Door. Eric accompanied me to the University of Arkansas Alumni picnic and we both volunteered at Youth America - our church's youth ministry consisting of 3-weeks of youth camps. We finished the month with a week in Montana. We visited our family, our land, had some adventures and some relaxation. June 2004 - Eric and I went to Blues Fest in Bricktown and to a Redhawks baseball game the first weekend in June. My sister is in Norman all this month for training so here are a few pictures of from one of our adventures together. I attended a women's conference at my church, Church of the Harvest, called Girlfriend's Conference. It was a good time and I received some good teaching from it. May 2004 - I started the month with a great trip - Jazz Fest in New Orleans with two of my best girlfriends. Heather, Stacie and I had a great time despite the challenging weather. Eric had a big weekend as well, he was in a Tae Kwon Do tournament here in town and he won first place in both forms and fighting. He had two very difficult fights but won both of them. Yea Eric!! In May finished a four-month personal development course that I had taken through Church of the Harvest. Here are some scenes from our last two classes. We ended the month by spending a wonderful weekend at the Horseshoe Canyon Ranch in Arkansas. I added new pictures of the fashion show I was in in April and some very old pictures from when Eric went to Turkmenistan. April 2004 - April was an active month for us. First, the big news: Eric is now a black belt in Tae Kwon Do! Eric also did another exciting thing - he went to Guatemala with his parents. While he was away I participated in a fashion show at church and Mom & Dad came for a visit. I also went to a Redhawks game and have some pictures of the flowers in our back yard. The day Eric came home from Guatemala he was greeted by a major storm. Unfortunately, it hit while he was on the road and his truck is now thoroughly hail damaged. At the end of the month we had our friend Nathan Blythe here for a visit. Also my mom and her running friends came to visit us and run in the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon. I've also belatedly added some rock climbing pictures from one of Eric's trips last year. March 2004 - We had a fun start to the month by hosting our good friend Martin Beck for a weekend. He came up to celebrate his birthday with us and we had a blast. The following weekend we went to Houston to celebrate St. Patrick's day with most of our old friends. It was a great time and it was so nice to see everyone again. We also really enjoyed being able to go back to Lakewood Church again after all these months. It is really a special place. My Newcomer friends also arranged a lunch so that I could join them, which shows you just how nice they really are. I have also included a beautiful sunset picture that I took in early March. I have pictures from two other late-March activities, a Hillsong concert at our church and a going-away lunch for my friend Dianne Dunivan. February 2004 - On the 3rd we had a Newcomer gathering to pick up our pottery and to try the wonderful desserts and coffee at La Baguette. It was a snowy day that day but we had a nice turnout anyway and it just made the coffee taste that much better! On the 10th I attended a 50th birthday party for Tom Teasdale at Abuelos. Tom is the husband of Emily, one of my Newcomer friends. It was a very nice party. On the 13th I started a new job - yea! Eric is most especially glad that I've rejoined the working world and am once again contributing to our family income. I work for a small company called AIS in Oklahoma City doing the .NET development work that I love. We went to Tucson, AZ to visit our friends Stacie & Nathan on the 19th - 22nd. It was a really great trip. On the 27th we got a hot tub, so now every weekend can be like a spa weekend. On the 28th we went to a very fun party to celebrate the 50th birthday of Eric's climbing buddy Jeff Lloyd. We really enjoyed meeting all Jeff's friends. On Sunday night the 29th we went to a wonderful concert - Bebo Norman, Amy Grant, and Mercy Me. It was really something special. A great way to end a great month. January 2004 - We have finally selected a church, after visiting a different one nearly every weekend since last August. There are so many great churches in this area that it's a bit overwhelming. We now attend the Church of the Harvest in Oklahoma City and are meeting lots of nice people there. January started nicely with a lunch and movie outing with my Newcomer friends on the 2nd. Then we had our first official house guests, Eric's parents Dan and Rose Casazza. We had a very nice visit with them. Our Newcomer Book Club met at Amanda Daum's house on the 15th, then our good friend Pete Noland came up from Houston to visit us and go climbing with Eric. On the 30th I organized an outing for the Newcomer group, lunch followed by a session at the Paint'N Station - paint-it-yourself pottery. It was a very nice time. On the 31st I met my family for a day of fun in Tulsa. We did a little shopping, a lot of eating, and some good visiting - a perfect Morton gathering! December 2003 - We spent a week at home recovering from our trip (and I was recovering from the cold I brought back from Montana.) Then I went on a big adventure. I went to Mexico with Amy Casazza, my sister-in-law and good friend. We had such a great time! The weather was absolutely perfect and the whole trip was a blessing. We appreciated our husbands for supporting such an outing for us. Best of all, while I was gone I missed the worst weather we've had in Oklahoma so far this winter. Yea! I have an extra picture of the fake tattoo I got in Mexico, scenes from Sandy Quay's Christmas lunch, Nancy Godsey's Christmas party, and Diana Losh's Christmas party. We also attended the GHK Company Christmas party, but I did not feel comfortable in bringing a camera. We had a good time at all these events. I also have pictures of an outing I took with the Newcomers to dinner and to a Christmas light tour on the Bricktown canal. We spent Christmas in Westville with my family and had a wonderful visit. It was nice weather and we saw many friends and family members that we had not seen for a long time. It was a very good visit. We spent a quiet New Year's Eve at home and are looking forward to an exciting new year ahead. November 2003 - Early in the month we attended OKC's Greek Fest. Then we held our first cookout at our new house. We got amazingly warm weather and were able to spend the whole evening outside. I got a picture of our friend Nigel from his new home in Aberdeen, and a few shots of my newcomer friends when they came over for a meeting of our book club. We also attended a happy hour for the Oklahoma City Outdoor Network, have a picture from a stroll in Hafer Park, and one cute one of Eric and the cats in front of the fire. The Chodzkos came up from Houston for a visit in mid-November. We had a very nice time, despite the unusually cold weather that weekend. We spent a very nice week in Montana for Thanksgiving. There was snow on the ground when we got there and it snowed three times when we were there. It was very pretty but I've now had my fill of snow for the year! We took our friends the Nixons with us this year and everyone had a nice time. October 2003 - We started the month with a trip to St. Louis for the wedding of our friends Michael & Stacey. I took a little break from updating my site, but I'm back now. I have updated the "Our House" page to show our new home in Edmond. In other October news, I attended the Oklahoma State Fair, visited with Mom while she was in Stillwater for Ropes Course Training, and had a very fun trip with Amy Jones. Late in the month I visited the town of Guthrie with my Newcomer friends on a very nice shopping trip. We stayed home for Halloween this year and handed out candy to all the little goblins in the neighborhood. September 2003 - Eric now works for a very small gas company called GHK. It's in Oklahoma City, about 20 minutes from where we live in Edmond. I have been interviewing and have found a promising job lead, but am not in any big hurry to go back to work right now. I've never had time off before and it seems to agree with me! I made a little page of things I will miss about Houston. It's just for fun. Notice it's all stores and restaurants - don't blame me, this is what Houston is best at! In September we started the month with a short trip on Labor Day. The following weekend we attended a big Shrimp Boil in the city. That same weekend we also spent an afternoon and evening at the ranch of one of Eric's co-workers, Charles Hefner. It is such a neat place and they were very nice people. It was a good day, and it helped that OU won the football game that night. Otherwise, everyone would have been very grouchy! The next weekend I went on a trip back to Houston and had a fantastic time. Eric had to stay to work, but he also got to go to an OU game with friends and to do some climbing. We had a very fun camping trip with the Oklahoma City Outdoor Network on the weekend of the 27th. I also have pictures from the Oklahoma State fair, and from a short visit with my Mom. August 2003 - This was a big month of change for us. Eric and I volunteered for the latest round of layoffs at ConocoPhillips, and thankfully, were accepted. We have a lot of our friends to thank for making that work out for us the way it did. I had 11 years and Eric 13, so it is a very dramatic thing to strike off in a new direction. So far it has been exciting and fun, but we miss all our friends at ConocoPhillips. We have also moved. We now live in Edmond, OK. I miss my pool like crazy, but Eric promises he'll let me have a hot tub later this year to make up for the loss of my pool. I wasn't good about taking pictures of things we did in August. Now I'm getting back into the swing of things and will be better about keeping up the site in the future. I do have a very pretty picture the daughter of our friends Scot & Dina Robinson, this is Mia Robinson looking way too cute to belong to Scott! I also have a shot of a rain "shower" that we had one afternoon while I was home in Houston - when it rains here it doesn't fool around! I also have a few pictures of my going-away lunch, our going-away happy hour, a last outing with my friends from work, and a final visit with the Cowboys. July 2003 - We spent the Independence Day holiday in Oklahoma City, then I went home to Westville on the following weekend. I had a nice visit with my parents, sister, and Gran. The next weekend we were very busy! On Thursday the 17th we had our good friends PJ & Heather over for dinner and gift-giving. We still had not given them their wedding gift, so we finally got around to that. On the 19th we went to a fight and out dancing with "the Cowboys" - our friends Martin, Marlo, Michael, Brian, and a slew of other folks. The fight was Juan Diaz - a very promising up-and-coming boxer. Brian Caldwell is his personal trainer and has been for years. The fight was a blast and the dancing was great! On Sunday the 20th we had friends over for what would be our final pool party. It was both fun and relaxing. We spent nearly a week in Montana after this, enjoying the beautiful weather and gorgeous scenery. We had purchased a new piece of land there several months ago but this was my first chance to see it. It is truly beautiful - it makes me even more anxious to retire! June 2003 - The first week of June brought big excitement: a trip to Maryland to see our very good friends, PJ & Heather, tie the knot. As a special bonus, here's a picture of some hot wench babes (a.k.a. my mom and sister!) The evenings of 13th & 14th were spent celebrating the wedding of our friends Pete & Elizabeth. On the 15th, we had a going-away pool party for the Bramwell family. They are moving to Aberdeen and we will miss them very much! The 20th was my parents' 34th anniversary, isn't that amazing?! On that night, a friend & I saw matchbox twenty in concert at the Compaq Center, but they wouldn't let me take pictures. I do have a picture of us with our friend Duncan Emsley though, he came over to dinner on the 27th and we had a very nice time. Special Bonus: We finally got the film developed from after Eric's fishing trip in Alaska. Check out the giant Halibut. We've also added a few new pictures to the "On the Rock" page from Eric's trip to Enchanted Rock in May. May 2003 - Eric joined me in Alaska on May 1 and we were there until Wednesday, May 7. After that we attended a happy hour and a wedding shower. We finish May off with a bang - Eric with a climbing trip to Enchanted Rock with friends and me to a bachelorette party in Las Vegas. This also included a night of front-row seats at a concert of my favorite band, Hootie & the Blowfish. May 30th we attended a going-away pub crawl for Nigel Bramwell. A great time was had by all - at least until the following morning! April 2003 - In early April I got to go back to Oklahoma for a visit with my family. That was very nice. Eric went climbing that weekend and enjoyed himself as well. Mid-month was an exciting time for our family, my Mother ran the Boston Marathon! She did great and we were very proud of her. Eric and I went up early to do some touring in New Hampshire & Maine. I was only home for 5 days and then I was off again for Anchorage, Alaska. Before I left though, I did get to attend a crawfish boil and International Fest. March 2003 - This month was started off right - a weekend in Austin for two concerts, including one by Cowboy Mouth! Our friend Amy joined us and it was a great time. We didn't do anything social for the rest of March. However, we did do a home remodeling project which was no fun at all! February 2003 - We had friends over for a poker party on the 8th and went to see Cowboy Mouth on the 13th (woo hoo!!) For Valentine's Day, we went to visit Eric's parents near South Padre Island. I've also added some pictures to the "On the Rock" page from a recent Enchanted Rock climbing trip. On the 18th we went to a happy hour gathering of some OLD friends. Just kidding! On the 20th we visited another happy hour, this one at Big John's Ice House. Monday the 24th was the birthday of our good friends Tammy Campbell and Megan Gosnell. PJ & Heather were kind enough to have a cookout to celebrate on Sunday the 23rd. January 2003 - My sister Desirae's birthday was on the 10th. Sadly, I didn't get to go home to help her celebrate. We went with a big group of friends to see Carrot Top on the 18th. The following weekend we had Eric's parents Dan & Rose over for a weekend visit. Stacie sent me a picture of the elusive EJ. Otherwise we kept a low profile in January, resting up from our busy December. December 2002 - We started the month with a pub crawl in Rice Village. Our last ever, really, we mean it, seriously - the last one. On Saturday the 7th I attended a party at the Mad Potter with several good friends. Then we got free tickets to see the OU Sooners play the Colorado Buffalos at Reliant Stadium. It was a great night out with our friends. The following Thursday we had a going-away party for our friend Stacie at Sam's Pub, and the next night I gave my friend Ingvar a tour of Houston's hot spots. On the weekend of the 14th, my sister and I went to Dallas to watch my crazy Mom and her friends compete in the Dallas White Rock marathon. My Mom did excellent! Out of 8,000 runners, she placed 4th in her age group. She finished in 4:02 which qualifies her for Boston (which she's going to run) and she didn't even seem tired afterward! And speaking of crazy Moms, I have some cool pictures of Rose Casazza, Eric's Mom. She went to Israel back in May with a group of friends and had a wonderful time. Most tourism has closed down there because of the potential danger to Americans and other travelers. However, this one hotel reopened just for Rose's tour group and they had a fantastic time. We went to a nice Christmas party on the 19th. Also, a fun concert to see Robert Earl Keen on the 20th. We had a great trip home for Christmas from the 23rd - 28th, and went to another fun concert the night we got back. That time we saw Delbert McClinton with PJ, Heather, and Ingrid. Then we topped off this great year with a crazy New Year's Eve celebration - out dancing with friends. You might notice a small change to my site, I switched the bottom button on the left from "Norway Site" to "Around the World." I decided to scan in old pictures of trips we've made outside the U.S. Also, this just in! Megan Gosnell kindly gave me a bunch of pictures from past events. Here are new pictures of the Willie Nelson Family Picnic, an August happy hour, and additions to pictures from our pool. November 2002 - Our first activity of the month was a trip to the Texas Renaissance Festival. Next came a visit from Ryan & Erin Fairfield, welcoming our returning friend Ritchie Wayland, seeing comedian Paula Poundstone, a group dinner at Mi Luna, and a retirement party for my co-worker Ron Morrison. On the 14th - 16th we went to Enchanted Rock state park for some hiking, camping, and rock climbing. I ended up with a back injury and Eric took a big fall while rock climbing. But we're both OK now and would rather not talk about the whole ordeal anymore! We went home to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving and had a great time with my family. October 2002 - The 3rd was my Dad's birthday, which we celebrated late last month when I was home. I got a picture I wanted to share from friends in Norway, and on the 5th we went to Greek Fest with some friends. On the 7th I attended a going-away party for Mark Lytle, a friend caught in the crossfire of post merger "synergies." From the 9th-13th, we did a whirlwind tour of Illinois and St. Louis, MO. We went up early to see the southern part of the state, then drove up to Springfield, IL for the wedding of our friends Ryan & Erin Fairfield. September 2002 - On September 3, I went with friends to see Lyle Lovett & Bonnie Raitt at the Woodlands. On Thursday the 5th I stopped by a going-away party for Sean Nguyen, who is moving to Norway. Saturday the 14th we attended Italian Fest. Eric and I went home to Westville in late September, and I went to Devil's Den State Park with my Mom and Dad while we were there. At the end of the month I went to the Austin City Limits Music Festival with several friends. The real highlight of the month was finding out that my Dad doesn't have cancer. My family has actually had a scare with both of my parents in the past six months. August 2002 - New pictures have been added of past events - a dinner at Amy's and Jazz Fest 2002. The month started with a night out dancing with 'the cowboys', then I attended the Willie Nelson Family picnic with Tammy & Megan. I also attended a happy hour with a bunch of friends from work. Eric's birthday was Tuesday the 6th. They had a little party for him at work but I had mercy on him and didn't take pictures. On the 8th Ryan & Kari had us over for a very nice evening. On Thursday the 15th we attended a "Farewell Phillips" pub crawl in Rice Village, and that Sunday had friends over to our pool. Mom had a birthday on the 20th. Then we spent the 21st through 27th having a wonderful time in Montana. I have pictures of a karaoke party that we missed when we were gone, and a bunch of shots from a Charlie Robison concert that I did attend which was lots of fun. One unrelated milestone - the ConocoPhillips merger was approved by the FTC on Friday, August 30. Time for a whole new working world for me & Eric! For one last event to close out the month - we went to a dinner party at Nigel & Gillian Bramwell's house on Saturday the 31st. It was wonderful! July 2002 - We celebrated the 4th by having friends over for a BBQ. I was too busy enjoying myself to take any pictures though, darn it! Eric and I went to Austin on the 12th & 13th. We had a very nice trip - got to see Marcia Ball, visited the Speakeasy, a very nice rooftop bar in downtown Austin, went rock climbing, and to the outlet mall. Again, I fell down on the job and didn't take any pictures. I've been lazy! The Parkers were kind enough to treat us to a night out at an Astros game on the 15th. On Saturday the 20th we went to see the Shaolin Temple Kung Fu exhibition and later to a local pub and a comedy club with friends. That Sunday we were joined by PJ, Heather, and Tammy for a day of relaxing by our pool. I finished the month with a trip home to Oklahoma. I had a great visit with my family and went to Bartlesville for a day with our summer interns. June 2002 - Eric started the month with a weekend at Enchanted Rock, climbing with his buddy Pete. I went to a couple of concerts with friends, and helped out a the grand opening of a new gym my friends have opened. The following weekend we went to a "Meet the Conoco Geoheads" happy hour, and I attended Heather's birthday Spa Day. We went to a very fun Charlie Robison concert on June 20th, but I didn't take my camera. On Tuesday, the 25th I got to skip work in favor of a golf tournament. That's my kind of Tuesday! We ended the month with a party at PJ & Heather's house. May 2002 - We started out the month with a Wednesday night outing to Rice Village. Amy's boyfriend Dan was in and we out to visit him. The next day was the Deepwater Teambuilding event - a suite at the Astros. Very nice! Then the following night we had friends over for poker. The next morning we met friends for golf. Tuesday the 7th Ken May took some of us from work to the OTC in a limo. The next day Eric and I left for 4 days in Oklahoma. We saw family, old friends, and watched my sister graduate from college. On Memorial weekend a group of us went to Selma, TX for Robert Earl Keen's Texas Uprising, a huge concert with 9 acts over North of San Antonio. Then we did a float trip on the Guadalupe River the next day. It was incredibly crowded and incredibly fun! April 2002 - On April 3 I attended a conference put on by Landmark, a company where I have many good friends. I really enjoyed visiting with my old buddies. Afterward they were nice enough to take me out to Churrasco's, it was a fun night. On Saturday, the 6th we met friends for another crawfish boil at Garden in the Heights. They had some great bands and hot crawfish! We had a lot of laughs. I spent the following week in New Orleans at a conference and Eric spent the same week in Mexico on a field trip. Of course, he had to stay over a few days to go rock climbing. Everyone knows he can't pass up an opportunity to do that! April 19th we attended yet another crawfish boil, immediately followed by a 40th Birthday party for our good friend Nigel Bramwell, followed by a night of dancing. Whew! Busy night. Sunday the 21st I went to International Fest with our friends. April 26 through 28th was another big weekend for us - Jazz Fest in N'awlins baby. March 2002 - March 1st we attended the going-away pub crawl for the Beeley's. Everyone had a very nice time, and Hugh didn't even get kicked out of the Gingerman this time (but only because his brother John was not with us!) On Saturday the 2nd Eric fought in his first Tae Kwan Do tournament. He got a first in forms and a first in sparring. Unfortunately, I missed seeing the fight by about 15 minutes, so I didn't get to cheer and there are no pictures for the site. On Wednesday the 6th I got some free tickets to the Laff Stop comedy club. A group of 9 us went and had a good time. The next night was the Beeley's last night in the United States, so we had yet another send off for them (You can they were well liked by how many going-away parties they had!) We had a group of 15 to dinner at Prego's. I got one picture of Hugh with his going-away gift and then my camera battery died. What terrible luck! Monday night our great friend Glenn Bixler was in town for a convention and I went to a gathering in his honor at the Gingerman. Most of our old friends from our days in New Orleans were there, it was like a reunion! Saturday the 16th our friends Pat & Heather had their second annual St. Patrick's Day party. It was a big hit - lots of great food and tasty drinks (the Sangria rocked!) They had over 60 people there - including Heather's parents. From the 20th through the 24th my Mom visited - her first visit since we moved to Houston. We had a lot of fun but I only took two pictures, can you believe it? On the 27th Ken May hooked us up with a great crawfish boil, and on the 30th we went to watch our friend Amy play in a Rugby match. Good month! February 2002 - We started out the month with a fun group trip to Austin. Nine of us headed over on Saturday the 2nd. We met up with Rob Jefferson and did the tourist thing for a little while. Then we went out for dinner and to see the ever fabulous Cowboy Mouth - alright!! They were awesome as usual. We headed back on Sunday the 3rd, just in time to rest a bit before Tammy Cambell's Super Bowl party. On Thursday the 7th I attended the Texas BBQ Cookoff with a limo full of friends. On Friday night Eric earned his Brown Belt in Tae Kwan Do (yea Eric!) and then we went camping with friends at Chain of Lakes. We entertained our brother & sister-in-law, Lucas and Kristi Casazza. They arrived on Valentine's day and were in the area for two weeks. They were on their delayed honeymoon, as they had been boarding their original honeymoon flight on the morning of September 11 when all flights were stopped. Eric joined them for a camping & climbing trip to Enchanted Rock, then they went to South Padre Island, then back to our house before heading home to Montana. We had a very nice visit. February is Rodeo month in Houston. I went to the rodeo twice this year. We also had a pool party (Can you believe it? I love Houston weather!) on the 24th for our friends the Beeleys. They are moving to Norway, we will miss them! January 2002 - Oops! I just realized I never linked in the pictures from our September France trip. In other news, Eric and I spent a day in Austin on Friday the 4th. We spent the night with our friend Rob Jefferson and had a nice dinner out with him. The following weekend we went out dancing with Martin and a new friend of ours, Shaylene. On the 25th Eric and Martin did some climbing at the Texas Rock Gym, then we went out for a nice lunch afterward. That night, we went to see Stars on Ice with Pat & Heather. The following night, we went to see our friend Brian win a Golden Gloves title in his very first boxing tournament. He was also voted best newcomer. Yea Brian! December 2001 - December is a month for Christmas parties. On Friday, Dec. 7th we had our annual IT Christmas Dinner at Chianti's. Afterward we went to an Iguanas concert with about 12 friends. Sadly, the Iguanas were not up to their usual level of excitement so we ditched the concert and went downtown for some dancing instead. The following night was the always swanky Deepwater Christmas Party (Eric's group has all the money!) It was a formal affair, very nice and good fun. On Friday, Dec. 14 we will attend a Pub Crawl in Rice Village to bid farewell to our friend Ritchie Wayland as he is heading back to the UK where the beer is strong and the workday doesn't start so early. On the 19th, Amy Jones and I had a shared birthday dinner at Buco di Beppo. Lots of our friends came out to celebrate with us, which made it a very nice night. Eric & I attended a Robert Earl Keen concert on the 21st. For New Year's Eve we hosted a party at our house. Lots of fun!
Eric and I also went to Austin for a weekend. We did a little climbing, a lot of eating, and even some dancing. The weather was perfect, it was a very nice getaway for us. I went on a Girl's Night Out to a hockey game. Later in the month, Eric and I gladly helped Myra Parker celebrate her 40th birthday with a "Limo Party" all around town. Thanksgiving was a fun time. Mom actually got me to run for a solid hour. Here's a little page about Mom and her running. Eric had climbing friends up to visit so they went rock wild. And while I was home, I worked on a little project for this site. It's a tour of my home town. Hope you enjoy it! October 2001 - Eric returned home from Paris, my Dad turned 51 on October 3, we attended our first Rockets game (they lost!), and I spent a week in Oklahoma - in Bartlesville for training and in Westville for fun. We also often go out dancing with "the Cowboys", our friends Martin Beck, Brian Caldwell, and Michael Caldwell. Those guys are so much fun, with them it's always an adventure! In late October Eric entered the Granite Gripper rock climbing competition at Enchanted Rock State Park. This was his first climbing competition ever. I'm proud to say he won first place in his division! Yea Eric! September 2001 - We started off the month with a trip to Montana. We went to Eureka to visit Eric's family and to attend the wedding of Lucas & Kristi Casazza. We had a wonderful time. We returned home only one day before the terrorist attacks. Later in September we went to France. Eric and I went for a week of vacation, mostly in the Chamonix area. This is in the Alps near Italy and Switzerland. We went there for the rock climbing (of course!). After a week I returned home, Eric stayed in Paris on business for another two weeks. August 2001 - We had a week-long visit from my sister Desirae and her husband Justin. We ended the visit with a weekend trip to New Orleans. We had a great time hanging out with them. Eric turned 33 on August 6th, which we celebrated without much fanfare. Mom turned 50 (wow!) on the 20th. I flew up and met Mom and Desirae in Tulsa for a "Mom's not old yet" girls' weekend. Eric's truck finally died, so we ordered him a brand new Toyota Tacoma. It's green, beautiful, and the light of Eric's eye! July 2001 - As soon as I returned from Norway we began packing our things. Yes, that's right, we're moving again. We bought a home about one mile south of the house we are renting. Here are a few pictures of the new place, it has a swimming pool! June 2001 - I had a great opportunity to work in Norway for one month on a temporary assignment. I was there from June 13 to July 13. I had a wonderful trip and made some great new friends. This site wasn't big enough to hold all the pictures I took, you can visit my Norway Trip site here. May 2001- I started the month off right with another boondoggle - a limo ride to a shrimp boil and the Offshore Technology Conference where we got sacks and sacks of free goodies. Later that week was another free crawfish boil and our company party - we never pay for meals anymore! The first weekend of May, Eric went off with his climbing buddies to Enchanted Rock while I went with my friends back to New Orleans for the second weekend of Jazz Fest. A great time was had by all.Later in the month we went back to Oklahoma and Arkansas for a wedding. Eric was best man in the wedding of his climbing buddy Andrew Nixon and his new bride Catherine. The wedding went well and we really enjoyed our trip. April 2001- Busy month for us! Met friends for a Maria Muldaur concert, went on a weekend camping trip to the Old Settler's Bluegrass Festival west of Austin, and celebrated our 7th anniversary. And that was just the first week! On a particularly busy weekend we got to go to the PGA golf tournament in The Woodlands, I made two trips to the International Festival with Amy Jones, and we got treated to a suite at an Astros baseball game. I followed that up by a Monday afternoon golf tournament (read: boondoggle) That's the only way to do a Monday! To cap off a great month, Eric and I spent 3 days in New Orleans attending Jazz Fest and trying to eat at every one of our favorite restaurants. We had a great time. March 2001- We attended a St. Patrick's day party at our friends' house. We also went back to Oklahoma for a weekend family visit. During the visit we also got to see our friends Alan & Tammy Cazares, as well as our old friends and neighbors the Callantines.Late in the month we went on a camping/rock climbing trip with friends Jennifer, Amy, and Pete at Enchanted Rock State Park (which is an hour Northwest of San Antonio) February 2001 - Attended the Houston Rodeo and got to see a Lyle Lovette concert. We got to visit with Dan & Rose Casazza a second time this year when they were in Houston for a conference. We attended a Pub Crawl in Rice Village, and had a visit from Eric's two youngest brothers - Lucas & Dallas. We attended the Galveston Mardi Gras while they were here among other things over that busy weekend.
January 2001 - Rang in
the New Year with our friends Amy, Dan, Pat, & Heather. Desirae
turned 21! Had a
visit from Eric's parents, Dan & Rose on their way to more southerly
points. Took a dance class with Pat & Heather. All in all,
a good start to the new year! Trip to the Morton house in Oklahoma for Shawnna's birthday and
Christmas. Had a good time but had to cut the trip short due to the
bad ice storms in the area. October 2000 - We went to Florida with our brother & sister-in-law Jeb & Amy Casazza. We went to Ft. Lauderdale and the Keys - it was a great trip! I also took a day off work to fly over to New Orleans for a Hootie & the Blowfish concert. It was fantastic! September 2000 - We moved from Bartlesville to Houston. Eric's job was transferred here in the Phillips Bellaire office. He works the Deep Water Africa Exploration group now. I got a new job - I'm in eBusiness & Web Site Development and I love it.
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