Shawnna's Quilts
Photos and histories of quilts I made in 2020

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 47. Blue Swoon  

"Swoon" is a pattern by Thimbleberries that I LOVE.  I made one in 2018, made this one
in February 2020, and another in March 2020.  This pattern is like a gift that keeps on 
giving.  In this one, I made the contrast between the two light fabrics minimal on purpose
in order to make the dark blue stars "pop".  It worked! 

I used vintage sheets I found at an estate sale for the light fabrics and a cuddle blanket 
as the backing.  I tell you what, this quilt had a wonderful feel.  I came about hair's breadth
from keeping it for myself.  It felt like an heirloom from the first day I made it.

However, someone bought it from my Etsy shop and now I'm very glad.  This is the 
beautiful message he sent to me,

"For many years I used a blue patchwork quilt my great-grandmother made me but sadly 
it is now falling apart. I have retired it and now I am using the quilt you made and it makes 
me very happy that you made it with care and love just like my Mamaw made her quilts."


This is the first bed-sized quilt that I've used a quilting innovation that I've never seen 
anyone else doing.  I quilt it without the back, then add the backing on at the end, 
tacking it down with some stitch-in-the-ditch quilting.  It worked great here.  


This cuddly fur backing was the bomb! 


Lots of pictures because I worked hard on this. 



 48. Modern X Squared in Peacock & Black  
'Tis the season for repeats on my quilt patterns.  I have made three of the "Swoon" pattern 
used for the quilt I finished last month, and this is the third quilt I've made using Angela Waters' 
"Modern X" pattern.  

See - Modern X Squared, January 2019 and Modern X Squared Again in July 2019.
The original pattern was just for the center design and it finished at 45" by 45".
That was small for my taste, so I pieced two of them, then split the second one
into fourths.  I set the original design on point, then stuck one quarter of the second 
one onto each corner.  It makes a large queen sized quilt and a lovely design. 


 I usually just do a lot of straight lines for quilting, but I got a little fancier with this one... I put squiggles between the straight lines.  I know, super wild, right?! :-) 

I also did these little starburst things in the 16-patch blocks.

  I usually use solid colors for backing, but for this one I splurged on a print. 

I did an innovative (I think) binding on this
quilt.  At least, I've never seen anyone else
do a binding this way.  I usually bring the 
backing around to the front as binding. 
However, on this quilt I did not want the 
pattern from the backing to interfere with 
the design of the quilt.  So I took the front
of the quilt and brought it around to the 
back for the binding.  It worked great! 

   This dude could probably work on a king bed but I don't have one to try it out on. 
 49. Stars on Glittering Snow  

This is one you just have to see to truly appreciate.  The white fabric is a beautiful, 
metallic, shiny style and absolutely sparkles in the light.  It is wonderful fabric but
it doesn't photograph worth a hoot.  

  A lot of shiny fabric either sheds glitter or is rough to the touch.  This is neither,
and it is also the shiniest fabric I've worked with.  I love it. 
This is the first time I've paid someone to longarm a quilt for me.  I had more quilts I
wanted to make and the quilting part takes me forever, so I bit the bullet.  She did a great job. 

The thread is silver and makes the back almost as pretty as the front. 

 50. Teal Swoon  
51. Double Star Baby Sherpa
52. Blanket Backed Regal Vintage  

53. Yankee Doodle #2

54. Sparkle Blue
 Vintage Red Squares  
 55. Teal Sparkle Neon Dreams  

56. Rivers of Roses


59 & 60. Native Twin Quilts

60. Woodland Girl Panel Quilt
61. Starbaby   

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