Shawnna's Quilts
Photos and histories of quilts I made from 2018 and 2019

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20. Baby Quilt for Julie's Granddaughter

My Mother's friend Julie had experienced some sad times, but now has the happy
arrival of a baby granddaughter to celebrate, so Mom wanted to bless her with a quilt.

  The theme was owls, the colors were gray, teal, and pink.  I was very fortunate 
to find a storybook panel that used all of these elements.
The quilt came out a little large, but hopefully that will just mean they can use it for more years to come.  The quilting on the snuggly flannel backing.


21. Red, White & Blue Squares

This quilt came about because of some 5" squares I bought at an estate sale.  They included some 
Paul Revere blocks that I just loved.  I started collecting red, white, and blue squares that had a 
patriotic or all-American theme.

The result was this quilt, which I shared with our friend John.  He loves the flag and appreciated the quilt. 


The quilting design as seen from the back. 


The Paul Revere fabric that kicked off the idea.

 I did some free-motion stars and loops on the blue border that came out nice. 


22. Xcentric in Gold Metallic Brown
This pattern is called, "Xcentric" from the book, "Rotary Cutting Revolution" by Anita Grossman Solomon.
The fabric has metallic gold thread running through it, I love how it turned out.  
This quilt was finished in April 2018.

A shot of the quilting from the back



  I have matching pillow cases and also made matching pillow shams with the extra blocks.  
  I think I'm going to keep this one, I really like it.  After all, it has shiny gold accents and 
  shiny is my favorite color!  
23. & 24. Charlotte & Lydia's quilts

Two of my dear friends (who are also friends) had baby girls this spring, so I
made them matching quilts for their little sweeties.  Finished in February 2018.


Wei & Jiayi's Charlotte + Aaron & Ellie's Lydia are both beautiful girls.  
I'm blessed to be a part of their lives.
Here's a fun set of photos Ellie shared of Lydia using her new quilt.  Love it! 


25. Harper's Quilt
Neice Cami and her husband Logan were blessed with baby Harper in May.  This is a quilt I made for them.


26. Hunter's quilt

Niece Ashley and husband Cody have been blessed with two kids so far.  Hunter is over a year old, 
but I decided I wanted to make a quilt for all of the babies of this next generation. 
I started my make-up quilts with Hunter, and now I owe a quilt to Lily, who is almost 3.  

It is backed in navy blue flannel and quilted with irregular straight lines.  

27. Fall Colors Bargello
This was the quilt that almost wasn't.  I made this jelly roll bargello out of two jelly rolls.  Unfortunately, 
I sewed one roll into strips in September and the other in November - on two different machines.  I felt 
sure I had an accurate "scant 1/4 inch seam" marked on both machines.  However, when I tried to put 
the two halves of the quilt together, they were two very different sizes. 

I was so discouraged that I almost threw the whole project away.  Instead I put it in my closet and left it
there for several months.  Eventually I was able to face the hours of ripping that had to be done.  I ripped
the two halves apart and ripped out each tiny row of half of the quilt.  I re-stitched that half and put it back 
together.  It took so long and so much work, but now I really like how it turned out.  I'm so glad I did not
give up on this quilt!  

A glimpse of the wrestling match that is quilting a large quilt on a domestic machine.  
The finished quilt.

Showing it in the Eureka Montana Quilt Show, August 2018
I sized the quilt specifically for this bed. The backing is a grunge-style black with gray accents.  
Another view of the quilt during the Eureka Montana Quilt Show. 


28. Lily's Frozen Quilt

Earlier this year I made baby quilts for baby Hunter and baby Harper.  Then I realized that I had totally missed making a baby quilt for Lily, who is now 3 years old. 
That worked out well for her since she was able to tell me what style of quilt she would like to have.  I got that she liked pink, princesses, and the movie Frozen. 
Out of that came this quilt which features the two Frozen princesses, along with large quantities of pink, sparkling, Frozen fabric.  The backing is flannel to maximize the snuggle factor. 

This was my first time to make a border like that inner yellow/pink corner-frame border.
It was harder to do than I imagined it would be! 
The backing was a combination of pink snowflake flannel and snow white flannel.  
A closer shot of the body of the quilt.  I quilted the center in wavy lines, followed by
different patterns in the borders.  
Too bad the camera can't capture the sparkle of the pink fabric, that was the best part!  
29.  Diamond Stars 
30.  Large Black & White Star 
31.  Halloween Lap Quilt for Desirae 
Weighted Fleece Blanket
I took what I learned making Brodie a weighted blanket at Christmas and used it to make one
for my Etsy shop.  My friend Nancy bought it for her sweet daughter Ella.  I've since made another one for my store.



32. Modern X Squared
I saw a quilt kit online but was sad that it made such a small quilt.  I bought two of them and decided to get
creative in making a larger version.  I love how it turned out, and I guess I wasn't the only one - it sold the first
day it was in my shop!  I'm going to make another one sometime soon.  


  Just like Alfred Hitchcock, I tend to 
  show up in the frame with my quilts! 

  This one was purchased from my Etsy
  store by a repeat customer before it was
  even officially listed.  What a blessing! 


33. Baby blanket made using vintage bunny blocks

The bunnies are working in the garden, fishing, and chasing butterflies.  
At an estate sale one day, I found some very old fabric that had blue and pink versions
of these cute bunny scenes.  I wanted to make baby blankets out of them, so far this is
the only one I've finished.  
I backed it in cuddly fleece and added custom quilting in each area of the quilt.

34. Shiny Silver Double Nine Patch

This is one of several quilts I've made using patterns by Trudie Hughes.  I have many of
her "quilts Free Quilts" books and enjoy her patterns.  

I love this quilt, but am sad because pictures do not capture the specialness
of the shiny silver fabric.  


Making a cameo appearance in the picture. 


Just remind yourself that in real life the silver is shiny! 
The quilting forms a flower shape in the black areas. The flower shape as seen from the back.  Completed March 2019. 

Vintage Flower Basket

I did outline quilting on the baskets and a flower in the white space.  Also a smaller
flower in the yellow setting triangles.  

I found several old quilt tops at estate sales recently, and decided to rescue them from
obscurity.  Turns out they were poorly constructed and quite difficult to square up, but
I have this one done and am glad to see it is now a useful item.  Completed March 2019.


I think this counts as full size, it is shown here on a queen bed. 



Vintage Crazy Quilt
This is yet another of my estate sale bargain quilt tops that I decided to finish.  These guys are very difficult to sew as they are not square and the aged fabric can be fragile.  But I got it done.  I used a decorative stitch for a lot of the quilting and am really happy with the way that turned out.   


35. Lap Quilt for Mary Beth

My mother-in-law Rose wanted to do something kind for my sister-in-law Mary Beth, so she asked me to make a lap quilt for her.  Rose found scraps from a quilt she had made for her about 20 years ago, and wanted me to incorporate as many of those scraps as possible.  I put together a little rail fence design and backed it with a self-binding style using super soft fleece. It was all good except I got some excess fleece so I limited the amount of quilting I did in order to avoid puckers.  

36. Modern X Squared (again) - July 2019

Earlier this year, I made this quilt by taking a pattern I'd purchased and modifying it to make it much larger.  
It sold before I had it finished, and it was also pretty fun to make, so I thought I'd do it again.  

It was supposed to be square, but somehow it came out 94" by 95". 
I quilted the white part with lines done in teal thread.

The quilting actually looks best from the back side. 

This quilt sold in the Eureka Montana Quilt Show, in early August.  It is always such a 
huge compliment when someone purchases one of my quilts.  Truly an honor. 

37.  Tablecloth Reimagined - July 2019
 This quilt was an idea I had for combining my two hobbies - quilting and attending estate sales.  
 I kept seeing these beautiful embroidered table cloths at estate sales, so I've started buying them
 and using them as the foundation for making a quilt.  This one also incorporated the coordinating 8 napkins. 


These blocks used the napkins. 

The blue stars that go through all the pink parts took me FOREVER to do.  
Truly, it felt like an eternity.  But I love how they turned out.  

I totally made up this center design out of my head and I'm so proud of it.  
I rarely love what I do (I have a black belt in fault-finding for my quilt work), 
however, I loved this.  


I put a lot of quilting into this.  Considering I do my quilting on a domestic sewing
machine, this also meant it took a lot of time and physical effort.  But worth it!  


Buddy "helps" as I try to get some measurements and photos.  
Thankfully he was not muddy at this time. 

This quilt sold at the Eureka Montana Quilt Show in early August 2019.  I only owned it
for about two weeks, but am thrilled someone liked it enough to want it for their own.  


Festival of Roses Table Runner

I can't take credit for how beautiful this is, it's all in the fabric.  Eureka is home to Jackie Robinson, a 
world-famous quilter and fabric designer.  This is her latest fabric line and is some of the most beautiful
fabric I've seen.  And let me tell you, I see a LOT of fabric!  







My only goal with making this table runner was to avoid ruining the beauty of the fabric.  


Vintage Mice Baby Blanket
August 2019


I found this fabric at a quilter's estate sale this summer and loved how it turned out.


The little mice are adorable and I love the green accent. 


I quilted it before I put the backing on to make it look neater on the back side.

Vintage Crazy Quilt in Lavender 
September 2019

This is the second vintage crazy quilts I've finished this year.  I found several quilt
tops at an estate sale and wanted to turn them into usable quilts.  I didn't know
how much work I was in for!  I certainly wouldn't have bought 4 if I knew! 
I used a decorative stitch on my machine to somewhat simulate hand-stitching
for the quilting. 
   It looks a little wonky from this side because I followed the piecing on the front. 
38. Noah's Woodland Creatures quilt
September 2019
 Our latest nephew was almost 1 by the time I made him a baby quilt.  I really love how
 it turned out, it is one of my favorites.  Rose had given me this fabric last year so that made
 it even more special. 
 The blue and green squares were made using a Seminole Patchwork pattern I made up. 

I used fleece backing so it is very soft and snuggly.

 39. Blue whole cloth quilt
October 2019
This is not technically a quilt, in that the top is a printed piece of fabric.  
However, I spent over a week quilting this in great detail, so I'm counting it as one of my quilts! 


 40. - Floral panel baby quilt for Ariel
October 2019
 Our dear friends David and Rayleigh had their second child this year, so made this
 sweet little floral blanket for their new daughter Ariel.  


This is another one I quilted first, then tacked on the backing.  
41.  Yankee Doodle quilt for Dick
October 2019

Our sweet friend Dick expressed an interest in a patriotic quilt once, so I decided
he should have one.  He is a veteran and an all around wonderful man.  It was my 
honor to make something for him.  He wanted a twin size, this fit his bed just right.  

   Dick kindly sent this picture of the quilt in action - his precious cats approve! 

42. Bright Roses Lattice
November 2019



I had just recently seen this quilt pattern at the Flathead Quilt Show.
Then I happened upon this fabric and knew I had to make it using
this pattern.  I love this quilt!  It is beautiful. 
 I quilted parts of it with shiny silver thread to give it some sparkle.  I did LOTS of quilting on this one. 
   I usually make queen-sized quilts, but I decided to try making a twin/throw with this one. 
 43. Rustic Hen and Chicks 
November 2019
I found this chicken fabric at a quilter's estate sale this summer.  
The chickens were printed, intended to be sewn together to make pillows.
I appliquéd them instead into sets of mother hens and chicks running
about their business.    


 44. Baby Boy Native American Quilt
December 2019
I saw this pattern on Pintrest and immediately went into my fabric stash to pull out
the fabric to make one of my own. I really like it and hope some native boy will be
blessed by it.  


   It is backed in fleece, so it feels really nice. 


 45. Baby Girl Native American Quilt
December 2019
After I made the boy version of this quilt, I had to make a girl one too. 
I love these colors together, and how it came out. 

This one is backed in fleece too, which makes them so nice for a baby.  


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