Shawnna's Quilts
Photos and histories of quilts I made from 2015 to 2017

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3. Rose's Quilt   
3. Next I saw a set of sheets at an estate sale that inspired me to come up
with a way to use the roses in a quilt.  I later learned it is called a 'fussy cut'
when you select particular parts of a piece of fabric to cut out. 
Eric helped me develop this pattern, and I gave it to my mother-in-law 
Rose for Christmas. I learned a LOT when making this quilt! (The hard way.) 
Completed December 2015.
Pearl's Quilt

About 30 years ago, my Gran gave me a quilt top made by her sister Pearl, who passed
away many years before that.  I had always dreamed of hand-quilting it, but that was not
happening.  Thankfully though, I was able to machine quilt it so that now it can be used.
This was my first attempt at "stitch in the ditch" and 
also free motion quilting.  Completed January 2016.

4.  Rebecca's Quilt

I miscalculated rather badly when making Rose's quilt, so I had about 18 blocks left
over after finishing that quilt.  I decided to make two more blocks so that I could have
another, similar quilt.
In this one I went wild with the sashing - going for strong pink polka dots.
Now I wish I'd have done cornerstones in the sashing, but I still enjoy this quilt.
Completed January 2016.

5.  George's quilt

My first baby quilt - done in OKC Thunder colors in honor of the parents' love of the team.  This shows a detail of the owl print
 Completed in early March 2016.  
This shows the green polka-dot flannel backing.  
I hope baby Li gets a lot of use out of this quilt! 
6.  Disappearing 9-Patch


More fun with leftovers.  I had a lot of fabric on hand after making my sister's quilt.
I decided to use it in a low-pressure exercise to learn some new skills.  
This was completed in March of 2016.
This pattern is called a Disappearing 9-Patch, as you make large 9-patch
blocks, then cut them up and re-arrange them in a random way.  Yes, I did
something random!  Eric was shocked too.  Rose's sister, Aunt Mary Ann 
very kindly purchased this from my Etsy store.

7. Patriotic Rail Fence

7. This is a patriotic quilt I made in a rail fence design.  I have found I enjoy designing and
making the borders as much as the rest of the quilt. This one was completed in March of 2016.
This is the best job I've done on a quilt so far.  I can enjoy looking at it without seeing 
a collection of mistakes.  I consider that real progress!  This was given to my neice Cami
for a wedding gift. 

8.  Seminole Patchwork

I made the brown and blue strips of Seminole Patchwork thinking it would make a good
border for the Disappearing 9 Patch.  It did not.  I didn't want to waste all that patchwork
though, so I decided to play around with a couple more patterns to see what happened.


The result was the biggest quilt I've made.  I think it came out to something like 96" by 102".
It was a fun learning experience.  This was completed in April of 2016.

Seminole Patchwork is really neat how it comes together like magic in the end. 
I give props to my Mom for giving me her great patchwork book long ago.
I also gave the quilt to Mom as a Christmas gift.  


9.  Carpenter's Star


9. I've always been intrigued by the Carpenter's Star pattern and wanted to try making one.  
From my other hobby of Estate Sales, I ended up with a $2 wool blanket and a $3 sheet
of fleece. I decided to put that together with some flannel to make the warmest, most 
snuggly lap blanket I could make.  This one was completed in April of 2016.

I used colors that would match in our house in Montana, since that's the place where a
warm, snuggly blanket really comes in handy!  This one now proudly lives on the back of
our couch in Montana.  


10. Rolling Waves


This quilt was supposed to be an optical illusion quilt called, 
"Rolling Waves."  I can see the rolling waves effect in the 
pictures, but it does not jump out as well in real life.  

Completed in August 2016.  Purchased from my Etsy store. 


This shows the quilting I did on the rolling waves quilt, it is easier to see from the back side.

11. Woven Rail Fence

Trying to show the squiggly lines I used for quilting, along with stitch-in-the-ditch.


I call this one "Woven Rail Fence" because it is a rail fence pattern using the
colors in a way to (hopefully) create a weave effect.  
This quilt won 2nd place in it's category at the Lincoln County Fair!  
Completed in August 2016.  Given to our friends Rusty & Cody Blackmon.

12. Summer Blue Squares

This quilt I call "Summer Blue Squares".  It was made using the pattern Kris' 3 Patch.
I pieced it in no time, but it took me forever to get around to finishing the quilting.
I used echo quilting for the squares to give it a traditional feel.  This picture shows some 
free motion quilting I did around the edges, making hearts to decorate the setting triangles.

A close-up of the quilting from behind.  I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. 
Rose bought this from me as a graduation gift for my niece Kaitlyn. 


13. Digital Geode

This is a quilt I'm very excited about.  I pieced it in August 2016 but didn't get it quilted
until January 2017.  I had to build up my machine quilting skills a lot before trying this one!
This shows the quilting of concentric diamonds inside each colored diamond.  
I changed the thread color to best coordinate with each diamond.  They aren't 
perfect, but the overall effect turned out great.
You can kind of see the zigzag pattern between the diamonds in this picture.
It also has echo lines through the blue fabric at each corner.
I think it is just as pretty from the back as it is from the front.  

This one is for sale in my Etsy Store

14.  Baby Nathan's Quilt  

Detail of the quilting for little Nathan's quilt. 

 This is a story quilt I made for Baby Blackmon.  It was finished in March 2017.   

15. Baby Elim's Quilt


Quilting detail.  This quilt was finished in April 2017. 

This quilt contains fabric that I hoped would evoke thoughts of Oklahoma - farm scenes,
tractor tracks, eggs, milk bottles, and trees.  I wanted to send a piece of Oklahoma back
to China with baby Elim and his parents, David & Rayleigh.   

16. Floral Striped Medallian


This quilt started with some floral striped fabric I found at an estate sale.  I didn't want to cut it up, so I
came up with this idea to make it into a medallion quilt. I thought it would be fun to add stripes to the
edges that would drape over the side of the bed in the opposite direction to the medallion design.  

  For quilting,  I did waves and hearts in the solid borders, and straight lines in the floral stripes. 
I gave this one to my dear friends Wei & Jiayi for Christmas.

17. Charming Flowers

   I saw some fabric I liked in the bargain room of Sew & Sews in OKC - 
 the same floral pattern in many different colors.  A few days later I was
 reading a quilting book and came across the pattern called, "Charming 
 Flowers".  I knew that would be a great use for the fabric I'd seen, so I
 rushed back over there to get it before it was all gone.  

 I intended for the flowers to be arranged in a random fashion, but the 
 hubs is a big fan of order and symmetry.  (Usually I am too, but I was
 trying to branch out!)  So we agreed that the colors should be lined up
 instead of scattered about.  I think it turned out nice, fresh, and fun.  
 It is also quite big! (80 X 95 inches)

This was my first attempt at an all-over meander free motion quilting design.

 I put this in the Eureka Montana Quilt Show in August 2017, here I am with it on display.

  The Charming Flowers quilt won 3rd place 
  viewer's choice in it's category of "Domestic
  machine quilted" - woo hoo! 

  This quilt was purchased from my Etsy shop
  by a very nice lady who truly appreciated it.
  She also had me make matching pillow shams
  to go with it.  I'm thrilled that this quilt found 
  such a good home. 

18. Framed Swoon  
I saw a finished Swoon quilt at the OKC Quilt Show in January of 2016 and just loved it. 
They had sold out of the pattern, but months later I happened to go into the store that 
had the pattern and saw it again.  It was the last copy they had, so it must be a popular

I collected fabric for months until I had the right set of solids and floral prints.  When I 
put it together, I added four tiny pinwheels to the sashing and a large border to make 
the quilt better fit a queen-sized bed.  It came out to 87.5 X 94 inches.  I really like it. 

I also entered this quilt in the Eureka Montana Quilt Show 2017.  
This quilt was sold via my Etsy Shop.  It remains one of my favorites. 


19. Groovy Purple Flower Love
This quilt started with a set of 70's pillow cases I found at an estate sale. I was excited
to make something out of them.  
I Googled lots of ideas for groovy 70's shapes to use in the quilting and ended up with this design.

It is a full-sized or large twin size quilt.

This one was purchased from the Eureka Montana Quilt show.  I don't know for sure who
bought it, but I just happened to be standing near it when a man said, "I really like this quilt!"
So I hope he's the one who got it.  It was such a thrill to hear that! 

Red and Gold Squares Quilt
I purchased these squares at an estate sale, already sewn together.
I added the border and used it as my practice quilt during my first lesson
on a long arm quilting machine. I loved quilting that way, it was MUCH 
easier than shoving a large quilt around on a regular sewing machine.  
It looks a little like a drunken wild person quilted it, but I will improve with practice! 


The quilting looks better from the front, 
where the fabric can distract you!  :-)  


At an estate sale one day, I found some very old fabric that had blue and pink versions
of these cute bunny scenes.  I wanted to make baby blankets out of them, so far this is
the only one I've finished.  
I backed it in cuddly fleece and added custom quilting in each area of the quilt.

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