Jazz Fest - New Orleans
May 2 & 3, 2013

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It's OK, we can talk about it - I'm getting old.  I don't like crowds or loud noises nearly so much anymore, and my partying days are about a decade behind me.  Each year when I attend Jazz Fest I say that it will be my last.  Well, here I am on about year 13 or so - still going back for more.  Maybe I need to find a support group! 

A large part of it is that going to the Fest gives me a chance to see my dear friend Amy, her husband Julio, and I often get to see Amy's family as well.  This year set a record for coolest temps in memory.  Usually it's as hot as the surface of the sun, but this year we froze a little.  But at least it kept those dreaded crowds at bay!  

 Looking toward the Acura stage.  This area is usually packed solid with people.  Me & Amy did the fest by ourselves on Thursday - it was rainy but not too bad.
These guys didn't have any problem with the rain or mud, they had the right attitude!   At the Gentilly stage it was the same story - open ground like I've never seen before.
 This had to be the least crowded Jazz Fest I've ever attended. 

I think this was Jumpin' Johnny Sansone.  His last song had a great line in it, 
"You'd better find the Lord before I find you"   It made me smile. 


Dinner that night was a dressed Roast Beef Po' Boy from R&O's - one of my favorites
from when we lived in New Orleans in 1997 & 1998.  BTW - I didn't eat the top bun.

  Day 2 - people got creative when dealing with the mud

 Julio borrowed my second jacket, it was only a tiny bit too small.  
 Marcia Ball - we've been fans of hers for nearly 20 years. Our Canadian friends were a little upset that they didn't bring some of their
nice cold-weather gear down for this strange cold snap.  I think it was in 
the 50's and quite windy! 
 After the fest we headed to Jordan's house (Amy's sister) for a crawfish boil.  
 They did a first-class job despite the cold weather.  The crawfish were worth getting 
 a little chilly for.  
I finally got to meet Julio & Amy's daughter Carmen - what a cutie.  She'll be 3
in September.  She has a cute little British accent.
 Carmen, Amy, Jordan, and Betsy - lovely ladies all Here Carmen has lost patience with our picture taking, she wants to go inside! 
 She looks like Amy I feel so bad that I have forgotten our Canadian friends names!  They were very 
nice though. 

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