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As usual with a Casazza gathering, lots of joking around and laughs were included.  

We started the month with a group effort to decorate The Timbers Lodge for Christmas  
  It's such a beautiful building, but it's especially pretty at Christmas.

When we left that evening, there was a beautiful sunset fighting it's way through the clouds.
We don't get a lot of those in winter! 

The tree, with the understair LED lights turned to red.  

Our house with the decorations all up.

  For a few weeks I avoided driving our road as much as possible, as it was all ice! 
Here Eric takes Buddy & I on a trip to town. 
This is always the worst part, we eventually sanded it but that was scary too, as I had to drive
while Eric was standing in the back shoveling.  I was so afraid I'd dump him out on his head! 
Kristi had the coffee shop looking beautiful for Christmas.
The first weekend in December is "bazaar weekend" in Eureka.  There are probably 10 different
Christmas bazaars going on where people sell their handcrafted wares.  This year I participated
in the one hosted at The Timbers Lodge.  I took up more than my share of the space with my quilts! 
After we set up my booth, Buddy & I headed to town to see the Christmas parade. 
The parade was good, but it was brutally cold that evening. 

I wanted to stay for the annual Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony in the
historical village, but we were so cold.  Thank goodness someone had
set up fire pits or we wouldn't have lasted.  

  Ta-da!  The lighting was a success.  Afterward there was a flash mob dance
and a candlelight walk on the Riverwalk and the kids got to meet Santa, but
Buddy & I were too cold to stay out any longer.  
 G's Ice Cream does a truly amazing job of decorating, and it gets nicer every year! 


At the Senior Center, the Grinch has been busy wiping out the competition.   Next we take a family walk up Burma, and look who got to join us - baby Spur!  He is Colter's 
new dog (Stryker, Amy's dog, was originally Colter's too, so we'll see if he hangs on to this one!) 
Casazza dogs, ready for action - Stryker, Spur, and Buddy A glimpse of Lake Koocanusa on our way up the snowy trail.
Heading up to see the old mine.  I usually make this trip on my eBike so I
thought it was short, NOT!  
Our big snow in November knocked down SO many trees.  
Most of what we did all day was climb over downed trees.  
 Happy hikers Spur got on Buddy's last nerve within the first 10 minutes.  Buddy hates puppies.  

A better view of Lake Koocanusa.

  Buddy in the back, trying to let Spur forget about him. 

When Spur got to be too much for Buddy, Eric would pack him for awhile. 
This is the top of a tree that fell straight down and drilled itself into the frozen ground.  When Eric would scoop Buddy up, Spur would whip his head from side to 
side.  He was so clearly thinking, "Where did he go?"  So cute!! 
The boys climbing over one set of obstacles while we push through another.  We were looking at deer bedded down in the trees, but then they thought they saw an elk. 
Everyone straining to see the elk while Buddy wonders what we're doing.  Here we are at the mine!  Eric tromps toward it while Amy runs to catch up
saying, "Wait, I have bear spray!"  Thankfully the mine was free of wildlife. 
Exploring the old mine.  Larry got this picture of us all studying the rock for signs of minerals.
Snack time!  I was taking advantage of a rare spot of cell coverage.   Group photo.  

Lisa made the mistake of sharing her lunch with one of the dogs, now she's in for it! 

  Back at home, Eric & Lily take a great nap about 1 foot from the wood stove.  

On a rare evening outing, the moon made it's way through the clouds and I was able to capture this
cool photo as we drove out of our driveway. 

  We were attending a Denim Gold concert at Riverstone Family Lodge, which was a lovely event. 

 After months of having the inversion take our sky away, we got this beautiful morning one morning.  
It was even better for having lived through all that gray that came before. 


Me, "Are you going to take Buddy with you to the Christmas party?"

Eric, "No, there will be too many people there and it will be a hassle to deal with him."

Me, "I agree, leave him home."

Later I get this photo of them, on their way to the Christmas party.  Buddy gets his way AGAIN.  

Eric says this is how Buddy looked the whole time  I was on my trip to Oklahoma.  
The hiking gang (minus me) took a hike into Finger Lakes just after Christmas.   Here they are at the lake, there were ice fishermen in there just below the bluff.  

 Group smiles!   Buddy growled when Amy picked him up, but she ignored him.  


Someone shared this photo on Facebook of a herd of bull elk near Highway 93 in Eureka in mid-December. 
They are amazing! 



Look who visited The Gathering Place! 
Mr. & Mrs. Claus!!
An almost-clear morning made for a beautiful photo. 


These are the pack mules & horses from Montana Wilderness Lodge & Outfitting, a family business.
They winter on ours & Dan Jr.'s land. 

Kaitlyn made this great video of them bringing the stock in from over here. 

New Year's Eve - party hosted by Jeb & Amy, making use of their new rental property at the
Wilderness Club.  It's a beautiful home and perfect for large gatherings. 
Here's a link to the listing for this place on VRBO. Here Kristina, Mark, Lucas, and Eric are grazing & gabbing.
We managed to stay until 12:02am, a record-setting late night for us!  

Happy New Year! 

 Friends the Halls, the Butts, and more also attended.  

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